The boys are moving pretty quickly with the cabin, as seen below...

These were parting shots on our way out of town to ... wait for it ... Los Angeles, California! Not, Lower Alabama, as some were wont to believe. Yes, after much whining and moaning and arm twisting and leg bending and poking and prodding, I finally managed to get Jay out to the West (Left) Coast to see his family.
We drove to Nashville and had a non-stop flight to L.A. We made it through security in Nashville, no problem. No undue xraying and/or groping was encountered. Rob and Allison picked us up at the airport in L.A. and I was immediately terrified of the traffic - that, just from pulling away from the curb.
Rob graciously babysat us for the 3 1/2 days we were there, giving us the condensed version of the Hollywood/Beverly Hills scene. We had breakfast at the Griddle and had car-sized pumpkin pancakes with Rob and his sweet daughter Amanda...

Then we drove around and saw some recognizeable scenes...

Well, marginally recognizable anyway... (that's us looking tourist-y).

Then my camera batteries took a turn for the worse and we weren't able to take camera pictures the rest of the day. We crossed the mountain ridge and saw the San Fernando Valley area (but no porn), and then headed back to Jay's mom's place to hang out for the rest of the day.
Thanksgiving morning Rob and his cute girlfriend Hilary took us to the Venice Boardwalk for breakfast where we saw all sorts of strange and interesting people...

Mostly you'll just have to take my word for it.

It was pretty chilly and the surfers were out...

Then we headed back to prepare for the Thanksgiving feast that Allison busted out.

Clan Basile:

We headed back to Knoxville Friday morning and going through security at LAX was nearly a breeze except my big girly earrings set off the alarm and I had to take them off. Then I lost them on the conveyor belt. My hero Jay found them for me. And now we're home.
Ellie said this is the longest post she's ever endured and now she needs a nap.